Site Progress to Date
SPOC’s partnership with Saint Onufrie Social Settlement started in 2015. It is to date one of our longest beneficiaries and a major investment site. Currently accommodation is provided to 24 abandoned children (12 boys and 12 girls) in two separate familial houses (fully operational) under the guidance of Father Visarion Paşca and local volunteers. The settlement is projected to have a total of 4 residential houses and remains a major work in progress until the project is fully completed. The construction project for two other residential houses to host an additional 24 abandoned children is currently in the development stage. The main structure walls are finished, but more work is needed for the building to become functional. Funds are needed immediately to cover the cost of 58 windows and 4 entrance doors on the new construction. The sooner the two homes are completed, the sooner the children will have a home. Besides the children who live at the orphanage, the Association provides food and clothes to over 137 children who live in economically disadvantaged families from the geographical vicinity of Cluj.
SPOC Contributions
A total of $398,920 has been granted to the orphanage starting in 2005 to date. SPOC sponsored the building of the first familial building in the orphanage, the purchase of old furniture and the replacement with new furniture; SPOC was able to provide funds to lease the first minibus and later to purchase one for the orphanage. A separate multi-functional building was also built with SPOC support to serve different needs for the children; the building includes storage space, a children library, and a recreational park where the children can play and do different activities. The kitchen facility on site provides momentarily 50-60 meals for those in need. A new dining area is currently under construction and will expand this capacity to 200 people. SPOC helped purchase part of the land for the Orphanage and provided funds for the iconography in the orphanage church. Children now have an appropriate space for spiritual worship and growth daily. An established yearly tradition, SPOC sponsors Easter and Christmas presents for the orphans at Saint Onufrie and for the children whom the association cares for remotely. Help us finish this blessed place for orphaned and abandoned children in Romania!

Additional financial support has been allocated towards covering administrative and operational expenses, in addition to running kitchen orphanage costs, and the recent construction of the children’s playground expenses.

The beginning of Saint Onufrie Orphanage
St. Onufrie – the first days
St. Onufrie – during construction
St. Onufrie Orphanage – what we want to accomplish in the future