Site Progress to Date
“Masa Saracilor” Soup Kitchen, Cluj Napoca prepares and delivers 1,000 portions of food/week to homeless in Cluj area. In 2020 they have distributed and cooked 41 tons of food. The association was launched in Cluj-Napoca in 2013 and has gathered since its inception local supporters, volunteers, donors, and sponsors. Their recipe for success is the love and attention that they offer to the assisted families and the professionalism of the organization. In partnership with small communities having the same desire, to act charitably without expecting any material reward “Masa Saracilor” continue to serve in a humble way the homeless and less fortunate from Cluj city.

SPOC Contributions
A total of $46,800 has been granted to this association starting in 2020 until October of 2022.
The financial support has been granted towards: covering food expenses for 500 people supported weekly by the association; purchase of school expenses for poor children; acquisition of a new electric oven for canteen and washing machine; food expenses for Kitchen Soup Project. $25,000 has been granted towards supporting the construction of a house for a family with 7 children. The construction of the house is now completed and the family has moved in.